Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Touching Story of an African Sahaba

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Raheem

... At the time of RasulAllah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam, there was a sahaba radiAllahu 'anh and he was African. He knew that RasulAllah salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam's blessed hair would sometimes fall and create a part down the center of his perfect head. Now this sahaba's hair radiAllah 'anh was like any African's hair, so it wasn't the kind that could part. This pained him so much... he would look with sad yearning at the hair of his beloved master salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam and would lament deeply that he could not be like him... that he could not do what Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala had shown was beloved to Him through His Habib salAllahu 'alayhi wasallam. One day, he couldn't take it any longer- he grabbed hold of the thin, metal stick used to cook meat over a fire, pulled it out of the burning fire, red hot, placed it down the center of his scalp, and burned away a line of hair, creating a part. The other sahaba radiAllahu 'anhum, upon seeing the blood and burning skin on his head, cried, "what are you doing!! Doesn't it hurt?!" to which he replied, "I swear that the pain I felt upon knowing that I could not fulfill this one sunnah was more intolerable than the pain of the burning of my scalp." ... Ameen

From: http://qalbkhaalis.blogspot.com/


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